Over the next four days, I’ll be sharing valuable insights and techniques that implemented long term help you transform your relationship with your teen and create a happier, more peaceful, less stressful home environment.
Today, we kick off the challenge with Day 1, where we’ll delve into the Polyvagal Principles of the nervous system. Don’t worry, I promise to explain it in a way that won’t overwhelm you. My goal is to provide you with a clear understanding of your teen’s behavior and how their nervous system plays a role in it, all in less than 10 minutes!
In this video, I'll start you through my powerful 3 Step Process, explaining the Polyvagal Principles and how they relate to your teen's behavior. The days task will be about you learning to recognise your "states" throughout the day.
Hi, I’m Yasmin and welcome to the Big Nervous System Reset Challenge. Um, this is day one. I’m not going to make these videos too long. I want them to be shortened to the point so you can actually, I know you are all. Busy people and we’ve got lots of things to do. So, day one, the big nervous system reset.
What we are going to do is we’re going to learn how to become more aware, how our nervous system is reacting to the environment around us. So why do we need to know that? Because the sooner we pick up cues of what our nervous system is doing, we can actually, adjust the environment. Prevent, things escalate,
And this doesn’t actually happen overnight. So the term I use is tracking. We need to track our nervous system, and I use a phrase called track our states, which I will explain in just a short while.
So why do we need to do this? What is the benefit? So what it does is increases, emotional awareness. By encouraging you to identify your current emotional state, the more we know how we are going to react to our environment or how our nervous system is going to react to the environment, it helps with increased emotional awareness if we start becoming aware of what our nervous system is doing.
By creating this awareness of our nervous system, we can actually, empower ourselves and our young people to emotionally regulate, and strengthen family bonds.
What are we going to track? How are we going to do it? in order to, for you to understand this, I need to tell you a little bit of knowledge about polyvagal theory.
Now, polyvagal theory is just that it’s a theory about our nervous system, how it reacts to stress. So I’m just gonna share my screen with you folks.
So here we go. So what you’ll see here, this is a metaphor used to explain our nervous system. It’s a track and it’s color coded, and as you can see, it’s split. Into three different sections. So what Polyvagal theory tells us is that when we feel safe and that’s the yellow zone,
we’re more likely to be created, to be connected. To be mindful social. These are all the behaviors that when we feel safe, we’re going to be enjoying physical intimacy. We’ll be open to emotional intimacy. We’re more loving, joyful. We’re curious. We’re flexible. When we are feeling connected and we are feeling safe and we are feeling social and we’re in a calm state, curious, joyful, loving, feeling high, we’re more likely to look after ourselves and self-care is going to be, a joy for us, and we’re also going to be able to keep healthy boundaries.
So what Polyvagal theory states is those are all the behaviors that happen to us in the safe and social state when our nervous system reacts with the environment and we feel safe the next.
section there, you can see is the mobilized state. And what Polyvagal theory tells us is that when we don’t feel safe, That there’s two defensive states that our behaviors can fall into and our emotions can fall into. There’s the mobilize state and there’s also the immobilize. So mobilize means high energy.
So if you think about it, mobilize means move. So a high energy movement. So things like rage, perhaps stealing, lying, high alert, flee, verbal abuse, anxious, intimidate, bully. Hysterical, cruel, jibes. Short and snappy, screaming and arguing. So what we are saying is that when our defense mechanism, when our nervous system.
Falls into the mobilized state. These are the sort of behaviors that can be seen. And remember, it’s not a bad behavior, it’s a defensive state because our nervous system, we are wired to protect ourselves. So this happens all under the subconscious with the autonomic nervous system. So until we start really delving and growing our awareness,
we’re not actually aware of it. So then you’ve got immobilize and immobilize. If you think of as in not move, and that’s the blue, what we call these are different states. So I, I don’t mean like the USA I mean there’s psychological states. Immobilize. Let me just show you some of the behaviors that you could be looking at.
We could want to be alone. We could start feeling trapped, powerless, sad. shame, wanting to give up, wanting to isolate yourselves. So immobilized. Think of it as in not moving low energy. May want to hibernate. Freeze feelings of hopelessness, dissociate, and faint. So what our first challenges for the day is to really get to know what our nervous system is doing
so how are we going to do that? We’re going to keep a log
Whether you are looking on the email or on the page, you’ll be able to download day one worksheets, recognizing states. So what you’ll see here is you’ve got, , like a diary log broken down into hours throughout the day.
You can either print it out, you can take a screenshot of it and keep it on your phone.
And what we’re going to do today, the challenge for today is the three states that I talked about earlier, safe and social, mobilize, immobilize. All you are going to do with no judgment at all. We are not going to dissect it on why or how. All you are going to do is just fill in which state you were in during that hour, or if you don’t want to do all the hours and you can’t remember, just put in, any memorable, and that is it.
All you need to do, you can either take a screenshot of this and keep it on your phone, fill it in as you go through the day, or you can just catch up later on in the day and just take five minutes to reflect on your state throughout the day. You can track each hour.
If you want, or you can just maybe track the most memorable, I always find that when I really lose my temper, those are the ones I remember. But I don’t know if that’s the same for everyone.
That’s all what we are doing today, it’s that simple. So I really hope you partake in the challenge. At three o’clock., I will be in the Facebook group talking more about the different states and giving you more in depth insight. And at nine o’clock this evening, I will be going live in the Facebook group,
so I do hope I get to see some of you. We’ll be chatting. It’ll be great if you could drop by and let me know how you got on with this. Just tracking your states.. That’s all we need to do today. And that’s it. That’s today’s challenge. Okay? Have a super day everybody, and
I’ll catch you later in the day. Bye.
After watching the video, download the States Tracker Worksheets . The worksheet will help you track your "states" covered in the video through this challenge. This exercise, it will lay the foundation for the rest of the challenge. Click "2" to download.
I encourage you to join our dedicated Facebook group and post your insights and "Aha!" moments in the Day 1 thread. This will allow us to create a supportive community where we can share our experiences and learn from one another. Click "3" to go to group.
For 30 mins I will go live in the Facebook group each night to catch up on the day. Each day I will be giving a pack of the "What's Your State? cards away to the person who has had a major insight on their day.