Parents Do You Want To Build Better Bonds With Your Teen?

Get over 70% off my January 23 Build Better Bonds Bootcamp Includes:

🌈 Our "What's Your State? Emotions & Conversation Cards
🌈 100 page Digital States Tracker
🌈 Entry to January 2023 "Build Better Bonds With Your Teen" Bootcamp.

Let's do this together -
Let me walk you through it.

ONLY £299.99 plus p&p
for a limited time only!
(normally over £350.00)

Maybe right now this is your life .......

  • You worry about your teen lacks of motivation.
  • You feel disrespected & unappreciated. 
  • You get frustrated at having to repeat the same thing again and again.
  • Dread fills you most mornings as you don’t know what high drama the day will bring.
  • The stress and arguing is affecting your health. 
  • You are tired of all the bickering and arguing.
  • The blowouts are getting more frequent.
  • You are frightened one day things will really escalate out of control?
  • You are fearful of your child approaching their teens and what will it bring?

BUT WAIT ... - Why Is Your Bootcamp So Cheap?
What's the Catch?

Dear Parents, 

For most of us, childhood and young adulthood represents a pivotal stage for development, wellbeing and mental health. Pre-pandemic research suggests that around half of mental health problems develop by the mid-teens, with three quarters established by the mid-twenties². 

1 in 2 children do not ask for help because they didn’t understand what they were going through³.  This highlights the importance of both early intervention and prevention for young people’s mental health.

Research tells us that the ability to label an emotion by putting feelings into words can help people better regulate their challenging emotions¹. That’s why I created The What’s Your State? card deck to help teens & parents label their emotions! 

Labelling emotions helps adolescents and teens communicate better so they can build healthy relationships. 

But did you know you can learn simple strategies  that can have a BIG impact in helping to  build better bonds with your teenager? 

That’s why I am running my discounted January Build Better Bonds Bootcamp.   I believe all parents should have access to psychoeducation &  strategies that work. 


p.s I get it - that not everyone has the time and resources for one to one therapy. When I was a single mom many years ago I was in a similar boat.

I really want 2023 to be the year I help as many parents and teenagers as possible, that's why I am doing something I have never done before - I am offering my January Bootcamp at a knockdown price. And if that's not enough you can pay in 3 monthly installments!

The What's Your State?" resources and bootcamp are not a substitute for counselling or one to one therapy. On offer is psychoeducation only. If your family or teenager is in crisis I urge you to seek professional emergency support.

The Time Frame

What Do You Get? .......Wondering - What's Included in The "Build Better Bonds" With Your Teen Bootcamp Bundle?

You might be thinking ... but I don't have time?

  • All Facebook lives & Q&A calls are recorded so you can watch on catch up.
  • If watching isn’t your thing … they are all available in audio and transcript versions also. 
  • TRUTH: most parents & caregivers of tweens and teens are sleep deprived, time poor or  stressed out at some point during their day – these issues are all too common.   I hear you . 
  • My experience has made one thing clear – all parents want  to create great connections with their kids. But obstacles like lack of time or resources  often get in the way. That’s why I’m here to help.
  • Ask yourself – what will the consequences be to your home life if you don’t make change? 

Is It Hard to Get Through to Your Teen?

  • Is explosive anger a problem in your home?
  • Maybe they are disrespectful and moody, and hardly communicates with you?
  • Or maybe they are irresponsible, forgetful and disorganised?
  • Is your relationship with your tweens or teens stressing you out? 
  • Are you finding life with your teens overwhelming – the constant backchat?
  • Perhaps It doesn’t take long for things to explode. 
  • Do you worry about your kids’ lack of motivation and general respect for you and others?
  • Does it frustrate you, having to repeat the same thing again and again? 
  • No one listens. Until you snap!  ….. then you become the baddie?
  • Filled with guilt you often find yourself backtracking, rarely resolving the issue and instead letting resentment build up? 
  • Are you worried the way things are – it’s going to lead to further mental health problems for your teen? But also for you? 

Do You Want To .........

  • understand your teens better?
  • build great connections?
  • not let every situation end in high drama – where you dread possible confrontations?
  • break the cycle of negative thoughts & behaviours for your teenager and family?
  • just get some peace & harmony in your life? 
  • bring more joy into your teenagers and families day to day life without it costing lots of time or money?
  • help your child build resilience and become more socially engaged?
  • implement change into your life asap, so your teen and family can start feeling the benefits immediately?
  • find a way that is not shaming or critical? That doesn’t involve finger pointing – “she said/ he said/ they said” or having to pull apart past events? 

But you don’t know where to start?


Who is the Building Better Bonds
Bootcamp For?

Build Better Bonds With Your Teen is for parents who are married, divorced, single, separated or part of a blended family

  • It’s for parents who regularly read parenting articles and books, and who have an interest in attending parenting workshops.
  • It’s also for parents who prefer to rely on their parenting instincts instead of seeking out additional resources.
  • It’s for families with younger children who are worried about the teenage years and want to do the groundwork now so to avoid problems in the future. 
  • It’s for parents that have been estranged from their kids and want to build bridges. 


You’ll also benefit from this bootcamp if your teen has unique needs or has gone through difficult situations, such as:

  • Has ADD/ADHD
  • Has dyslexia
  • Engages in self-harm
  • Is a victim of bullying
  • Has an eating disorder
  • Comes from a single-parent or blended family
  • Has anxiety-related issues
  • Has experienced physical or emotional abuse trauma. 

This bootcamp doesn’t specifically address such unique circumstances, but the principles covered in the bootcamp will support you in dealing with the challenges.

If your child or family are in crisis I always recommend seeking support through your doctor or emergency services as soon as possible.

Common FAQ'S

Yes, the program content is applicable to all parents of teens, whether they are married, single, separated, divorced or part of a blended family. 

It would be ideal if both parents go through the coaching, but this definitely isn’t a requirement. You’ll benefit greatly from the coaching even if you’re the only parent who’s taking part.

Yes, the lessons will still be useful.

Just like the response to the previous question, it would be ideal if both you and your partner/spouse/ caregiver go through the program so that you’re on the same page.

But even if only you take the program, it will still be beneficial. Your partner/spouse will observe how effectively you’re getting through to your teen and will hopefully feel motivated to change his/her parenting style for the better!

They will all be recorded and available for catch up in the group. You can watch them at your own pace.  

The vast majority of parenting courses, workshops and books present general advice about how to be a better parent, whilst talking at you. 

This isn’t the focus of Building Better Bonds With Your Teen

Yes, by going through the program, you’ll become a better parent. But the program has the focused aim of equipping you with the knowledge tools and strategies through a Polyvagal Theory informed lens. You will be practicing taught strategies each week in your everyday life. 

Understanding how we are because of our  biology immediately removes a shaming or critical approach. 

So this isn’t just another parenting coaching program. Rather, it’s the only bootcamp out there that will enable you to transform your relationship with your teen without shame or guilt. 

Through this process, you’ll become a happier and less frustrated family too!

You will have access to the bootcamp material for 12 months from purchase.

The group will be archived but all recording will remain in there. You just won’t be able to post in the group. 

We put a limit to access as I know full well how busy life can get.

This often means  we put off  what we need to do and things never change. 

I don’t want you to just buy the bootcamp  – then not watch it or use it.

I know how busy life gets – a time limit I hope it ensures you make time for this and start making change today.

The price listed is in Great British pounds/ Sterling. If you’d like to convert it to other currencies, click here.

When you go to checkout – it will convert the cost of the program into your currency. 

After you’ve made the payment 0ur deck of cards will be sent to your mailing address this can take between 7-21 days. 

Access to our online group will begin December 1st.

Feel free to send an to email. You’ll receive a reply within two business days.

Don`t copy text!


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235 page workbook journal £17.99

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Wed. 7th of Feb 2004 7.15PM GMT
Live With Dr Stephen PORGES

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