It's Finally Here - The Support You Need!


My Powerful Proven 3 STEP Process will help you transform your relationship with your tween or teen in 42 days.

From full on rage to less yelling, door slamming and frustration - helping you manage meltdowns with clarity and calmness.

Less rage. More Teen love ADHD Managed

Together we will work through the Build Better Bonds with Your Teen & Their ADHD

The truth is, being a parent to a teen with ADHD is hard. And - at the same time, you know this is not the person you want to be.

My 3 Step Process & resources that I have created are used across the world by therapists helping 1000's of families. Now I will deliver my 3 Step Process directly to you.

You want to build a positive relationship with your teen BUT whenever you ask them about their day it ends in a shouting match. Parent rage: 0. ADHD teenager: 1. Communicating with your teen really does go from zero to 100 in seconds.

You want your teen to be socially engaged in healthy relationships with peers but every time you suggest they invite their friends over, they roll their eyes so hard at you - you’re worried they’ve pulled a muscle. Their ADHD is driving a wedge in your relationship.

You want to empower your teen and teach them skills to manage their ADHD, and lead a happier safer life, but their inability to complete tasks .. often leaving you to finish them .. causes you frustration. Why is it you only get a response when you snap?

What will this course do for you? Maybe you have heard it all before? I guarantee you this course is unique!



Who is this program for? This program is for any parent or caregiver who wants to ............

So how does it work?

Hey, I’m Yasmin and I understand how heartbreaking it is when you watch your child struggle.

My program works – it’s built not just from my professional perspective as a qualified therapist working with stress and trauma.

But also from my mistakes and learning and sweat and tears of raising my own teen with ADHD and Dyslexia.

On top of that I am diagnosed with adhd, dyslexia and  I have dyspraxia – I get first hand the negative impact  it can have on your teens life if it is left to its own devices. 

When You Join Build Better Bonds With Your Teen & their ADHD, Here’s What Happens:

Over the space of 6 weeks once you have purchased –

Limited Offer
10 Spots at £299


Why Work With Me?

Limited Offer
10 Spots at £299


Just to remind you of the results when you show up on the regular ......

Take a peek at what you will learn by completing this program. Laying strong foundations for building better bonds with your teen.

Six modules where I show you how to transform your relationship with your teen or tween in 42 days AKA Six Weeks.

Just practical steps with engaging tools and strategies to give you the results you have been hoping for - a better relationship with your teen & their ADHD.

I want to reinforce for you 100% percent belief in the possibility of change (without giving false hope or creating complacency).

What peope say ..........

Understanding ADHD

1. Definition of ADHD
2. Traits & symptoms associated with ADHD
3. Causes of ADHD
4. Diagnosing and treating ADHD
5. Common misconceptions about ADHD
6. Strategies for living with ADHD

Our Nervous System & Stress

1. Overview of Polyvagal Theory
2. The nervous system and family dynamics
3. Managing eye rolling and door slamming.
4. Impact of words on your teen
5. Safety and connection in family interactions
6. How to build better bonding strategies

The Eight Senses

1. Overview of different sensory systems
2. Common activators in neurodivergent individuals
3. Creating stress less environments
4. Impact of overlooked stimuli
5.Mitigate stressful sensory experiences
6. Review and reflection on learning

Your Sensory Profile

1.Overview of a sensory processing profile
2. Impact of different sensitivities
3. Creating an effective sensory profile
4. Sensory profiles to improve family dynamics
5. Identifying overlooked stressors
6. Strategies to manage meltdowns/shutdowns

Communication Mattters

1. Non-Verbal Communication.
2. Recognising Nonverbal Cues.
3.Communication Tools For Different Needs
4.Listening Strategies for ND Families
5.The Power Of Choice
6. Using The 8 Senses For Co-regulation

Pulling It All Together

1. Executive functioning & organisation
2. Managing Teen Impulsivity
3. Social skills - Identify strengths & weaknesses
4. Develop strategies for healthy friendships
5. Build communication & conflict skills
6. Connecting With Others Through Empathy

Your Trainer: Yasmin Shaheen-Zaffar As Seen ......


Revent Speaking Events

The Creative Counsellors 2022 Conference

The BACP Private Practice Conferance 2022 


  • Therapy Today 
  • Therapy Today – Private Practice Edition 
  • The Times 
  • The Guardian 
  • The Sun 
  • Apple News 
  • Yahoo News 
  • Radio Essex
  • Salvation Army 
  • Women’s Weekly 
  • + more 


  • Radio 5 
  • Talk TV 

14 Day Money Back

I Give You My Word

I have worked tirelessly to create a course that will genuinely support you changing your relationship with your teen. But if by any off chance you are not very happy, I promise to give you a 100% refund on your purchase within 14 days if you are dissatisfied.

Frequently Asked Questions


But what makes your program different? I have bought lots of programs before!


I know this program works if you implement the teachings - because I created this program. I am the creator of Polyvagal Teen® resources and tools, and tools and strategies are unique to my program. My resources and tools are used by therapists across the world. Now I want to share this knowledge with parents directly - because Polyvagal Principles changed my life. I broke generational patterns & became the parent I am today.


How do I know if this program is right for me?


This program is designed specifically of parents of tweens and teens who are ADHD or having learning differences or any parents or caregivers who and are looking to learn skills for emotion regulation, motivation, and responsibilities.


How long will it take to complete the course?


It should take approximately 6 hours to complete. One module is released each week over six weeks.  Each week you will have activities  to complete and a chance to implement them into your day to day life.  Once a week there is a group Q&A session via zoom. 


What are the group call times?


You will have the opportunity to attend the group coaching either at 10.00am or 10.00pm. BST/ GMT. Calls are recorded so you can watch in your own time and you can submit questions in advance.


What will I achieve from the group calls?


The group coaching offers a chance to submit questions of challenges you have may have faced, but also to share any "Ahaaa" moments and wins. They are there to create a community atmosphere, you can join in or not attend. It's your choice. It's also a chance to connect and stay accountable.


What if my teen hasn't been diagnosed with ADHD?


Not a problem! If you still have concerns for inattention, hyperactivity, or executive functioning, sensory processing, anxiety, school refusal - you're a great fit for the program. In fact you are a great fit for any parent or caregiver who wants to build a stronger relationship with their children. 


My child isn't ADHD, but I the parent am. Could this program help me?


Yes totally - once you learn these principles and knowledge you can apply it to anyone or situation. Anyone can benefit from incorporating these skills into their day to day life will benefit.


What if my teen refuses to learn new skills?


You won't be teaching them new skills persee. You will first incorporate the learning into your own day to day life. They will change through you modelling your learnings. Yes I know it sounds simple - but it truly works the majority of the time.


What experience do you have?


Professionally I am a qualified BACP counsellor who creates engages resources and tools for parents, families and teens. I am also neurodivergent myself and a mom who has successfully raised neurodivergent teens. Additionally I am trained with the Trauma Foundation Seven Month Certificate Program in Trauma and Stress Studies and trained in the "ADHD Clinical Services Provider (ADHD-CCSP) Certification: Strength-based Interventions to Thrive with ADHD from Childhood to Adulthood"

You'll have all the tools and skills necessary to navigate parenting a neurodivergent teen with strength and less stress. It's time for an exciting new journey!

Limited Offer
10 Spots at £299


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