Building "Polyvagal Aware " communities means becoming trauma-informed & beyond.

You are powerful agents of change! Our approach goes beyond trauma-informed practices to help build a more resilient and connected community.

With Polyvagal Teen® psychoeducation, we are empowering the next generation to not only overcome past traumas but also understand how to where possible prevent future ones.

By cultivating safety and connection, we are reducing stress and enhancing overall well-being. We are also dedicated to raising awareness about the profound effects of socio-economic adversity on our nervous system.

Together, we can create a society that is supportive, inclusive and equipped to handle life's challenges. Let's embrace this opportunity to make a positive impact on the world!

About Me - At Polyvagal Teen®


Our Polyvagal Teen® Resources

  • Polyvagal Theory made simple to understand through learning and doing. 
  • Backed by science & research.  
  • Learn what “Behaviour” actually is. 
  • Understand the full impact of what feeling safe means to relationships and to your teen. 
  • Find out why why we need to know our nervous system and how it can help others to regulate. 
  • Learn to track your  teens and your own nervous system and get to know it better. 
  • Understand what trauma is and how to begin to heal from it.
  • Program and resources created by a qualified BACP Registered Counsellor. 

Our Tools & Resources To Engage.

We have a number of resources and tools for young people, parents, caregivers and  professionals. From Polyvagal posters, card deck, merch, our toolbag and more. Take a browse. 

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Wed. 7th of Feb 2004 7.15PM GMT
Live With Dr Stephen PORGES

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