Our message is being trauma-informed alone is no longer enough - let's work to go beyond! Through Polyvagal Teen® psychoeducation resources and training - we also aim for trauma prevention, stress reduction and cultivation of safety and connection in our communities. Whilst raising awareness of the adverse impact socio-economic challenges have on our nervous systems and relationships.
The Polyvagal Teen® "Polyvagal Aware Classroom" using our resources is an innovative approach to creating conditions for connection and safety in the classroom, giving both students and educators space for learning, collaboration, and growth. It starts with the educator's own nervous system first – providing them with ways to feel safe enough to create those same conditions for their students.
Imagine engaging classrooms where teachers are poised calmly and confidently at the front of the room without having to fear outbursts or disruptions from their students – all while helping keep them safe from deeper psychological trauma that could be caused by trauma-inducing teaching methods.
In this kind of environment, your students will gain access to tools they need which help foster emotional regulation as well as productivity.
The tools and practices of Polyvagal Teen® also can help to shred stress, prevent burnout and begin healing by equipping educators with the resources to recognise and bring regulation to their own nervous system— supporting connection and learning.
About This Training
The Polyvagal Aware Classroom is a collection of practices and tools for educators to incorporate into daily routines and activities in order to promote more regulated and stable environments for learning. They also assist in the educator having a “trauma-informed and beyond” approach to learning.
The Polyvagal Aware Classroom approach includes for each classroom:
- The Polyvagal Teen® Classroom Guide – 6 short online videos & classroom lesson plans.
- Our Polyvagal Teen® Self-Care Toolkit.
- 1 x Polyvagal Teen® Card Deck
- 1 x Polyvagal Teen® Track
- 1 x Polyvagal Teen® Poster
- Digital Polyvagal Teen® Trackers
- 6 module online professional development and coaching for educators – teaching educators how to implement this practice into their personal and professional lives and also how to teach this theory to their students.
- The Polyvagal Aware Clinic – 6 hour live Q&A & process online or in-person, this is split over 3 months.
- Integration ideas – classroom and school demonstrations.
- Discover an inspiring network of like-minded individuals who are passionate about becoming “Polyvagal Aware”. Connect with each other for advice, support and celebrate your successes together!
Our programs are aimed at the school ecosystem – staff – teachers, classroom support, head teachers, senor staff, deputy head teachers and admin staff.
We offer a “Train the Trainer” programme also.
It covers Key Stage 3, 4 and 5.
The Polyvagal Aware Classroom training is customised for each specific year from Years 7 through to Years 13 as well as teaching and support staff.
The lesson plans cover the core themes of Health & Wellbeing and Relationships for PHSE.
Each year focuses on age appropriate adolescent issues such as transitions, friendships, relationships, school exclusion, neurodversity and teen behaviour such as gaming, risk taking, gangs or gaming.
If your individual school is facing a crisis incident – custom created programs can be delivered offering a “trauma-informed and beyond” approach.
There are two ways the program is delivered
Online Self Paced with drop in clinic
Our inhouse training platform provides you with the latest advancements to study at your own pace, granting access to a variety of interactive online tools and interventions for learning.
For a period of three months, staff can take advantage of our Polyvagal Aware drop in clinic – 2 hours group Q&A every month to delve into strategies and receive answers for their pre-submitted questions. This hands-on guidance sums up to 6 valuable hours that will help shape the most effective solutions possible!
Our online training platform provides students with a unique learning experience, arming them with interactive creative interventions and tools that will ensure they feel comfortable and confident delivering their learning in the classroom.
Designated Training Day
Lasting 6 hours in person live or online. They will additionally benefit from the drop in clinic Polyvagal skills clinic. For live in person bookings this is only available to groups over 40 members.
We offer four types of licenses, the include:
- individual teachers
- schools
- trusts
- teacher training institutes
For online license packages fees begin at £75.00 per teaching staff – minimum of 20. This includes all physical & digital resources and access to our online training platform.
For inhouse training – please book a call to discuss your needs.
Individual teachers can purchase the program fee is £180 for online materials.
Trusts & Teacher Training Institutions
Please contact us for a customised quotation.
The lead will learn about:
he benefits of a whole school or college approach, and the purpose and expectations of the senior mental health lead role.
the factors important to lead strategic change to implement an effective whole school or college approach.
the importance of working effectively with the senior leadership team, Governors, parents/carers and pupils, and with staff in mandatory roles such as SENCOs, Designated Safeguarding Leads, teachers and Virtual School Heads to deliver a whole school or college approach.
how the senior lead role fits within the wider mental health system to be able to make best use of mental health support services across the NHS, their Local Authority and Voluntary and Community Sector partners.
existing best practice in schools and colleges, and the benefits of sharing practice and experiences to sustaining an effective whole school or college approach.
the importance of collecting and assessing data to support implementation of a whole school or college approach.
We Please contact us for a customised quotation.
Book a call with our team to discuss your schools or trusts educational needs – click here.
The Benefits Of This Training

- Polyvagal Theory, developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, provides us of a working model of the nervous system. It helps us understand why we are the way we are through our biology.
- Our resources, tools and programs are created through a Polyvagal informed Framework using the latest research in neuroscience. They extend Dr Stephen Porges Polyvagal Theory - a pioneering neuroscientific perspective on our biology, wellness and relationships. We also incorporate learnings from Bruce Perry, Daniel Siegel, Dr Bessel Van Der Kolk and Attachment theory to create a trauma informed approach.
- Having this understanding of biology helps remove the critical and shaming lens, it also allows for a compassionate approach.
- Our Polyvagal Framework helps explain why simply learning coping skills and different behavioral choices doesn’t always lead to behavior change.
- Our resources and training help prevent and banish educators burnout & overwhelm in the classroom.
Polyvagal Aware Classroom Training.
Become a Polyvagal Aware Educator.
If you are an educator and would like to join our Polyvagal Aware Classroom newsletter please sign up below.
Our Tools & Resources To Engage.
We have a number of resources and tools for professionals that you can incorporate into your classroom – from Polyvagal posters, cards deck, a much needed mug and more. Take a browse.