At Polyvagal Teen® – a brand of Watoto Play Ltd, we are committed to ethical business practices and upholding the law. This Modern Slavery Policy outlines our commitment to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in any part of our business or supply chain.

We strive to ensure that all of our staff, contractors, and suppliers are legally employed, treated with respect, and provided with safe working conditions. We have a zero-tolerance policy for any form of modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of our organization or supply chain.

To ensure compliance with this policy:

• We will only engage with subcontractors and suppliers who adhere to our standards for ethical employment practices

• We will implement due diligence processes to identify potential risks in any part of our supply chain 

We will monitor compliance with this policy by conducting audits regularly as necessary

• We will require all staff members to complete training related to this topic as needed

• We will take appropriate disciplinary action against any party contravening this policy

This policy complies with the laws and regulations relevant to modern slavery and human trafficking in each region where we conduct business and may be subject to change in light of new legislation or guidance issued by relevant authorities.

The UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 is the UK’s  response to modern slavery and human trafficking. It consolidates a number of pieces of legislation, including the Criminal Justice Act 1988, the Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc.) Act 2004 and the Gangmasters Licensing Act 2004.

The act contains measures to combat modern slavery and human trafficking, as well as tougher sentences for offenders.

The objectives of the act are to:

  • Increase protection for victims
  • Ensure effective prosecution of offenders
  • Strengthen the law on human trafficking
  • Improve law enforcement’s ability to investigate cases involving modern slavery and human trafficking
  • Introduce new powers to tackle traffickers
  • Strengthen existing legislation on forced labour and child labour.


More details of UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 act can be found here

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