The "What's Your State?" resources and workshop
are available to purchase. We ship internationally.

"Whats My State"
Card Deck

The "What's My State?" Polyvagal Teen® Card Deck comprises of 80 cards in total. It includes 40 unique images dividing behaviours into four colour coded categories.

The four categories includes the three Polyvagal Theory States. The fourth category includes five cards with behaviours not uncommon in teens to open up conversation about issues that may feel somewhat uncomfortable.
Card Deck

Practical Guide To Polyvagal Skills In The Therapy Room - Working With Teens & Adults

This 3 part online training program teaches therapists through the R.U.D Process to translate their Polyvagal Framework learning into a way that is accessible to young people, parents & caregivers. Teach the Polyvagal Framework in an engaging and relatable way to your clients and allow it to help you improve engagement.
Online Workshop

"What's My State"
Game Board

The fold out board games uses the metaphor of a track to recognise how behaviours are linked to different states.

The first prototype of the "What's My State Game Board?" is now available to purchase. When you purchase this game board if you provide us with feedback whilst we finish the final design - we will send you our updated game board for free.

Game Board

What's My State? Tracker Journal

Our tracker journal is available in digital and print versions. It gives the user a physical space to work through the Polyvagal Framework - by:

1. Recognising their state.
2. Understanding what gets them and keeps them in a particular state.
3. Diffusing unhelpful behaviours - a space to identify and track strategies that take your clients beyond the "just knowing" and which work for them.
Tracker Journal
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Wed. 7th of Feb 2004 7.15PM GMT
Live With Dr Stephen PORGES

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