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Can I just tell you about our new Emotional Labelling & Conversation Cards. Polyvagal Teen® card deck and Polyvagal resources?
🌈 40 unique image cards, 80 in total
🌈 Polyvagal Teen® Tracker
🌈 Posters, Game board, mugs .. and more!
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Polyvagal Teen Shop
The Polyvagal Teen® card deck is a set of 80 colourful therapy cards supporting young people, parents and caregivers in getting to know their nervous system. Link emotions to behaviours.
Forty unique images. Through a Polyvagal Theory informed lens the cards are colour coded to identify different emotions and actions one may feel or do while in different states.
The card deck helps your child recognise that their reactions are biological. Removing shame and a critical lens whilst working through key questions:
- What gets me here?
- What keeps me here?
- What takes me out of here?
These questions can help your child understand themselves better and build stronger bonds.
Our Tools & Resources To Engage.
We have a number of resources and tools for professionals that you can incorporate into your practice – from Polyvagal Posters, Cards Deck, Our Toolbag and more. Take a browse.