Build Better Bonds With Your Teen and their ADHD.
Parents & Caregivers - Unlock The Secrets To Building Positive Relationships With Your Adolescents ADHD.
One to One Coaching
Parenting Neurodivergent Tweens and Teens Doesn't Have to be Stressful. End the Back Chat, Bickering and Resentment. Instead Create A Home That Nurtures Connection.
A one to one parenting program to gain confidence in raising tweens and teens and their ADHD. We achieve this through providing you the tools and sharing skills to help you understand your nervous system - using all eight of our senses to detect traps and to help with those pesky family blowouts.

The Benefits of This Program

Take Control of Your Relationship.
With our Build Better Bonds With Your Teen program, through learning about cutting edge neuroscience you can take control of your relationship with your teen. Learn how to communicate effectively - without constantly losing it, how to set boundaries, and how to become the parent you want to be.

Solve the Communication Puzzle
Communication between parents and teens can be a real challenge - having to repeat the same thing again and again. The additional stress of auditory processing, disorganisation and time constraints can add to things escalating quickly resulting in blowouts. We know first-hand how quickly things can escalate - affecting not only our mental but physical health also.

Overcome Parenting Teen Hurdles
Are you struggling to deal with common issues like creating healthy boundaries, grades, and meltdowns? With the added layer of ADHD - organisational skills, peer relationships, motivation and emotional regulation all become bigger challenges. Plus teenagers are often looking for more independence and autonomy while still struggling with everyday organisational tasks. Learn strategies to support you.

Finally feel heard and validated
By having someone who understands what it's like to have ADHD and knows the challenges it comes with. The creator of Poyvagal Teen® is diagnosed ADHD, Dyslexia and has Dyspraxia and has had a lifelong struggle with education - masking the struggle until late diagnosed.
As a parent of an teen with ADHD it's never too late to jump right in and begin understanding how best you can help them feel more confident. With the right tools at your disposal, both parents and teens can benefit from finding strategies that work for them - this is what this program can do for you and your family.


Gain Skills To Communicate With Clarity & Calmness
With our training program, you can learn how to effectively communicate and build a strong, lasting safe connection with your teen. Our strategies will help you to put the back chat, bickering and resentment behind you and start a new, positive chapter in your relationship. We have our own dedicated creative therapies platform where you can create vision boards, doodle and store your reflections.

Engaging Creative Tools That Make Learning Easy
You'll walk away with a new found understanding of your teen and a better connection - whilst understanding yourself better. And the best is we will teach you how to share this knowledge with the rest of your family - so everyone around you can benefit from this shared psychoeducation.

A New Found Understanding Of Our Nervous System.
We will use the eight senses to help understand our nervous system - but also how they impact your teen with ADHD and the family relationship. Believe me we will leave no stone unturned - exposing those traps that cause meltdowns and stress whilst also sharing practical guidance. Our program is bumper packed with strategies, tips and practical solutions with activities to foster and nurture connection. To prevent overwhelm our lessons are bitesize.
You'll have all the tools and skills necessary to navigate parenting a neurodivergent teen with strength and some ease. It's time for an exciting new journey!

Hey I am Yasmin & Welcome!
Worried or confused about how to parent your neurodivergent teen? I get it – but I assure you – you’re not alone! As mom of now neurodivergent adults from a blended family and a BACP Registered Counsellor in the U.K – my journey has been long and hard. Believe me when I tell you I have been that raging mom who has lost control. I am also late diagnosed ADHD, Dyslexic and have Dyspraxia.
I totally get it – the responsibility, the constant managing expectations, worry about finance, mental and physical exhaustion – then add to that the shame of losing it. At times reduced to tears – I have felt like I had nothing else to give.
But through patience, dedication and plenty of learning along the way – voilà! I can proudly say that deep nurturing bonds have formed between us. I’ve even broken free of generational patterns of physical and verbal abuse. And if I could get my relationships on track so can you!
That’s why I’m here: To help YOU build better relationships with your neurodivergent teens too. We will learn about the nervous system whilst going through the eight senses and find strategies to find peace and calm whilst becoming aware of those traps that catch us out.
When I was searching for help and not being able to find the right tools to support learning I created “The What’s Your State Toolkit“. So don’t give up just yet; change is definitely possible and even fun sometimes.
Yasmin 😊
This course is designed specifically of parents of tweens and teens who are ADHD or having learning differences and are looking to learn skills for emotion regulation, motivation, and responsibilities.
It should take approximately 6 hours to complete. One module is released each week over six weeks.
Each week you will have activities to complete and a chance to implement them into your day to day life.
Once a week there is a group Q&A session via zoom.
Not a problem! If you still have concerns for inattention, hyperactivity, or executive functioning, sensory processing – you’re a great fit for the program. In fact you are a great fit for any parent or caregiver who wants to build a stronger relationship with their children.
That’s okay! Even if you ONLY use the parent course, you will still walk away with a better relationship with your teen than when you started. Effective change begins with the parent. It’s not about “teaching” its more about you “being” – that’s how the knowledge is shared.
What To Expect In Build Better Bonds with Your Teen & Their ADHD:

Understanding ADHD
1. Definition of ADHD
2. Traits & symptoms associated with ADHD
3. Causes of ADHD
4. Diagnosing and treating ADHD
5. Common misconceptions about ADHD
6. Strategies for living with ADHD

Our Nervous System & Stress
1. Overview of Polyvagal Theory
2. The nervous system and family dynamics
3. Managing eye rolling and door slamming.
4. Impact of words on your teen
5. Safety and connection in family interactions
6. How to build better bonding strategies

The Eight Senses
1. Overview of different sensory systems
2. Common activators in neurodivergent individuals
3. Creating stress less environments
4. Impact of overlooked stimuli
5.Mitigate stressful sensory experiences
6. Review and reflection on learning

Your Sensory Profile
1.Overview of a sensory processing profile
2. Impact of different sensitivities
3. Creating an effective sensory profile
4. Sensory profiles to improve family dynamics
5. Identifying overlooked stressors
6. Strategies to manage meltdowns/shutdowns

Communication Mattters
1. Non-Verbal Communication.
2. Recognising Nonverbal Cues.
3.Communication Tools For Different Needs
4.Listening Strategies for ND Families
5.The Power Of Choice
6. Using The 8 Senses For Co-regulation

Pulling It All Together
1. Executive functioning & organisation
2. Managing Teen Impulsivity
3. Social skills - Identify strengths & weaknesses
4. Develop strategies for healthy friendships
5. Build communication & conflict skills
6. Connecting With Others Through Empathy